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Developing an SBOM Workflow – Part 1: SBOM Generation

· 15 min read
Lukas Fischer

A burning log

Cover photo by Mike Lewis HeadSmart Media on Unsplash.

In the previous blogpost we described how to use scans to find infrastructure affected by Log4Shell, but wouldn't it be way more convenient to already have this information available? SBOMs promise to offer that convenience of only having to look up, where an affected dependency is used, and immediately being able to mitigate it. This blog post details our plans to integrate an SBOM creation workflow into the secureCodeBox and our troubles with using different tools for it.

What are SBOMs?

SBOMs, or Software Bills of Material, are standardized and machine-readable lists of components used in software. While that would be pretty boring for monolithic applications without external dependencies, modern software often uses hundreds or even thousands of external dependencies, usually installed through the standard package ecosystem of that particular language. With these kinds of applications, keeping track of what is used where could be as simple as checking the provided list of dependencies, i.e. package-lock.json or Cargo.lock. SBOMs generalize this for applications of multiple ecosystems, multiple applications, whole containers or VMs.

As mentioned, SBOMs use standardized formats, unfortunately with an emphasis on the plural-s of formats. The two most prolific standards are Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX), developed as a Linux Foundation Project and maintained as an ISO standard, and CycloneDX, developed as an OWASP Foundation project. Sometimes Software Identification (SWID) Tags are also regarded as a format of SBOMs, but their use is a bit different, and they are not well-supported by most tools that work with SBOMs. There are some differences between SPDX and CycloneDX SBOMs, documented here. They can still be converted, for example by using the CycloneDX CLI or the cdx2spdx tool.

The Goal of This Endeavour

Currently, the secureCodeBox provides a great selection of scanners, to assess the security of your infrastructure. If instead you want to achieve a detailed overview over the composition of the infrastructure, you currently have to reach for other tools. With this change we intend to leverage the integrations and automations already present in the secureCodeBox, to simplify generating SBOMs for all the targets, that could up to now only be scanned for security flaws present at that moment.

That is of course a very ambitious goal. We intend to first release a minimum viable product of SBOM generation, aimed at a common use-case for the secureCodeBox: container security. Combining SBOM creation for containers with the AutoDiscovery makes it a breeze to keep an up-to-date inventory over whole infrastructures.

The following sections describe our search for a good tool to create SBOMs, the troubles when combining the created SBOMs with tools that consume SBOMs and the detailed plan for the MVP implementation.

Possible Tools to Generate SBOMs

Before deciding on a format for the SBOMs, let's take a look at the possible tools we could use to generate them. The best option would be to generate SBOMs directly at build-time. At that point, all the dependencies of an application are clearly defined and the compiler or some other build tool can simply export a list of them in any format. Unfortunately, that will not work for our use case, as we want to generate SBOMs for containers that are already running. Luckily there are tools that allow that as well. To select a fitting one, the following criteria apply.

Tool Criteria

  • Which targets can SBOMs be created for? Currently we want to support containers, but in the future other targets like files or VMs might be needed as well.
  • How can the containers be accessed? Not all containers can just be pulled from Docker Hub, so support for private registries is often needed.
  • Credential management, how can private registries be accessed?
  • SBOM formats, are both SPDX and CycloneDX supported, or only one of them?
  • SBOM contents and quality, does the tool find all dependencies and properly specifies them?
  • Support and ecosystem of the tool: widespread use, GitHub activity, documentation quality
  • License, as we cannot integrate a commercial tool

Of these criteria, checking the quality of an SBOM is not that straightforward. Confirming if all the dependencies of small demo applications are picked up is possible, but for containers the dependencies also include the OS packes and everything else that the container ships with. SBOM quality will therefore also depend on the interoperability with SBOM consuming tools.

SBOM Targets and Testing Environment

To make the tests of the tools comparable, the same images were used as scan targets. These images are intentionally insecure, so that there are components with known security vulnerabilities which can (and should) be found when analyzing the generated SBOMs. The targets are:

All tools were tested under macOS Ventura 13.5, or, if they did not (or not properly) support macOS, under Ubuntu 22.04. Unless noted otherwise, the latest available version of the tools were tested.

Tool List

The following list includes all the free and open source tools I looked at as possible integration for the secureCodeBox. There is also a whole range of premium tools for SBOMs or even full software component analysis workflows, these are not listed here as they are not relevant for our goals.

This list does not cover all details of the compared tools, when it became obvious one is not a good fit I stopped checking the remaining criteria. It is also not an exhaustive list, there are chances a good tool is missing, just because it does not have the reach of the ones listed. Now with that out of the way, here is the list.


Trivy, the "all-in-one open source security scanner", which is already integrated as a scanner in the secureCodeBox, also supports creating SBOMs as one of its output types. Trivy supports scanning a wide variety of targets and provides SBOM support for most of them. Other than containers, file system paths, git repositories, or VMs, Trivy also supports generating SBOMs for whole Kubernetes clusters. The containers can be accessed in many different ways, either through the local Docker Engine, containerd, Podman, direct access to the registry, and also through local files in tar or OCI format. Credentials can be supplied either through environment variables, parameters (not recommended because credentials will be readable in the process list and the shell history), in a configuration file or directly to Docker. There is also support for the AWS, Google and Azure registries.

Example commandline:

trivy image --format cyclonedx --output results-trivy-juiceshop-v15-cyclonedx.json bkimminich/juice-shop:v15.0.0

SBOMs can be generated in either SPDX or CycloneDX formats. When using CycloneDX, security scanning, which is disabled by default for SBOM outputs, can be reenabled, to include a list of security flaws already in the SBOM itself. While interesting, it is unclear how useful this is, after all the secureCodeBox already supports normal trivy container scans, which are integrated far better with the existing hooks.

SBOM quality and content depends on the content of the container. Trivy supports many package ecosystems of different languages, but might miss applications or dependencies installed in unusual or hard to read ways. To find the dependencies of Rust binaries for example, Trivy relies on the Cargo.lock file being available or the binaries including the dependency information in a linker section according to the cargo auditable format. In tests with small containers, Trivy was able to reliably pick up dependencies of the main application and OS packages. For each component and depending on the output format, Trivy tracks among others the name, version, package url (purl) and several custom properties.

Trivy is actively maintained by Aqua Security, has 18.2k Stars and 1.8k Forks on GitHub and a very extensive documentation. It is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license and used by GitLab for their Container Scanning feature.


Syft works very similar to Trivy when it comes to generating SBOMs. It supports containers, filesystem paths, archives, "and more" although it is not specified what "and more" entails. This means Trivy supports more targets, which might be interesting long term, but for now Syft is perfectly capable of generating SBOMs for our use case as well. Syft also supports many ways to access container images, other than direct registry access or through the Docker or Podman daemons, tar archives, OCI or SIF images or plain directories and files are supported. Credentials for private registries can to be supplied as Docker config.json, which can also be shared as a Kubernetes secret. More advanced options are available according to the go-containerregistry docs.

Example commandline:

syft bkimminich/juice-shop:v15.0.0 -o cyclonedx-json > results-syft-juiceshop-v15-cyclonedx.json

The list of supported SBOM formats is quite large, there is CycloneDX in xml or json, SPDX in tag-value or json, in version 2.3 or 2.2 and Syft's own format as json. Custom formats can be defined using Go templates.

Regarding the quality of the SBOMs, Syft also has support for many language ecosystems and largely finds the same packages as Trivy. The difference lies in the way the package details are populated. Like Trivy, Syft includes name, version, package url and some custom properties, but also Common Platform Enumerations (CPEs). This allows more options for matching packages against different databases.

Syft is actively maintained by Anchore and has 4.5k Stars and 412 Forks on GitHub. The file serves as documentation but covers a lot. Syft is available under the Apache-2.0 license and provides the functionality of the experimental docker sbom command.


Tern is a Python-based tool for generating SBOMs for containers. It uses skopeo to access container registries, but only supports Docker API compatible registries or querying the local Docker daemon. So while Skopeo also supports loading tar archives, OCI images or plain directories, Tern does not use these features. Skopeo also supports private registries, but figuring out how to access that functionality through Tern might require some tinkering. In addition, Tern can work with Dockerfiles directly, but requires a running Docker daemon to build the images.

Example commandline:

tern report -f cyclonedxjson -i bkimminich/juice-shop:v15.0.0 -o results-tern-juiceshop-v15-cyclonedx.json

SBOM format support is pretty good, other than CycloneDX (json), SPDX (json and tag-value), custom yaml, html and json formats can be generated.

Unfortunately, the generated SBOMs are quite lacking compared to the ones Trivy or Syft generate. While Tern finds the distribution and OS packages of the Juice Shop container, not a single NodeJS/npm component is included in the output. Other containers show similar results, only OS packages are listed. This is pretty unhelpful for creating an inventory of the software running in one's container infrastructure.

Tern is a "tern-tools" project with 884 Stars and 185 Forks on GitHub. The most active maintainer is Rose Judge, an Open Source Engineer at VMWare. The documentation is provided as Markdown documents in the docs directory, while general information can be found in the file. Tern is licensed under a BSD-2-Clause license.

Microsoft SBOM Tool

In 2022, Microsoft released their SBOM generation tool, aptly named "SBOM Tool". According to and the commandline docs it can generate SBOMs for container images and supports several package ecosystems (through the Component Detection library). Images seem to be accessed through the running Docker daemon (specifying sha256 hashes of local images with -di sha256:<hash> works), but there is no documentation about different usage options, other than specifying an image tag.

Example commandline:

sbom-tool-linux-x64 generate -m . -pn JuiceShop -pv 15.0.0 -ps BKimminich -nsb -di bkimminich/juice-shop:v15.0.0

This looks a bit inconvenient compared to the other tools, because there are many more mandatory parameters. Making the commandline simpler to use is a known issue. Format support is quite limited, the SBOM tool only supports generating SPDX 2.2 reports in json format. Not even the full output path is configurable, the SBOM file always gets created as <ManifestDir>/_manifest/spdx_2.2/manifest.spdx.json, where ManifestDir is the directory supplied with -m.

On macOS, analyzing linux containers is unavailable and generated SBOMs contain no entries, other than the information about the target container and the details provided as parameters. On Linux components are detected, but just like Tern the SBOM Tool fails to find anything but OS packages, in any of the tested containers. The Component Detection clarifies, that the library is "intended to be used at build time", and while the SBOM Tool docs also seem like the tool is supposed to be used at build time, it is never explicitly stated and the docs mention the possibility of generating SBOMs only for containers. I suspect that analyzing containers is supposed to be combined with analyzing local project files, so the only SBOM-content that needs to come from analyzing the container are the OS packages. All the dependencies of the containerized applications will already be known from analyzing the build files.

The SBOM Tool and the Component Detection library are both maintained by Microsoft and licensed under the MIT license. The SBOM Tool has 1.2k Stars and 89 Forks on GitHub. The documentation could be better, there are only some Markdown documents in the docs directory and the file gives an overview.

Component Detection (and with that, the SBOM Tool) uses Syft internally to analyze Docker containers. Since this tool is less convenient to use than Syft, and does not work as well either (for only analyzing containers), it makes more sense to just use Syft directly then.

Kubernetes bom

bom was created "to create an SBOM for the Kubernetes project", but can be used for other projects and containers as well. There is no mention of how images are accessed, but it works without connecting to the local Docker daemon. Other than by specifying image tags, images can also be read from tar archives.

Example commandline:

bom generate --format json -i bkimminich/juice-shop:v15.0.0 -o results-k8sbom-juiceshop-v15-spdx.json

bom only generates SPDX 2.3 SBOMs, in either json or tag-value format. As noted in the documentation, go dependencies can be included, but no other language ecosystems are supported. Since it was developed for Kubernetes, it focuses on Go applications. Finding Go dependencies does not work for containers containing Go applications though, like Tern or the SBOM Tool, bom only finds OS packages there. This makes the generated SBOMs not very useful for our goals.

bom is maintained as a Kubernetes SIGs (Special Interest Groups) project. It has 250 Stars and 31 Forks on GitHub. The documentation is decent, other than some basic usage information in the file, there are is a generated documentation website with some subpages.


There are some other open source tools claiming SBOM functionality, but I did not look into them in depth for various reasons.

The SPDX SBOM Generator by opensbom-generator is developed in Go and supports many different language ecosystems. It is not a good fit for the secureCodeBox though, because it can only generate SBOMs for build dependencies by reading package files. It could still be used by analyzing the files contained in the container, but that solution is rather complicated and finicky compared to the tools listed above.

There is an experimental Docker CLI plugin to create SBOMs for containers, called docker sbom. All it does though, is use Syft internally, which we could also directly use instead.

The CycloneDX project also maintains an SBOM generator which supports multiple ecosystems, called cdxgen. Internally it uses Trivy to detect OS packages in containers.

Other than that there is a wide range of non-free tools, which we cannot integrate for licensing reasons.

Selecting a Tool

From this list, Trivy and Syft are by far the most capable and easiest to use tools. It is no surprise, that both are already integrated into other projects for SBOM workflows. As mentioned above, Syft provides the functionality of the experimental docker sbom command. Trivy is used by GitLab for their Container Scanning feature.

Some of the tools listed here, including Trivy and Syft, come with catalogers for different language and package manager ecosystems. This enables them to find packages which were not installed through the default package manager of the system. One remaining problem are packages installed directly as binary, without any kind of package manager. Especially in containers this is pretty prevalent for the "main software" of a container. This is a known issue for both Trivy and Syft: trivy#481, trivy#1064, trivy#2839, syft#1197, syft#1607, syft#1963. It seems that Syft's support for those kinds of binaries is slightly better, in the Juice Shop image, only Syft detects the actual node binary.

Before selecting one of these two as a tool for the MVP, it makes sense to look at the other side of an SBOM workflow, the consuming side in a second upcoming blog post.